
Obsidian healing properties
Obsidian healing properties

We’re all aware of the various shapes crystals and stones may take, and while they’re all lovely and appealing, each shape has its own meaning, energy output, and application. Gold Sheen Obsidian Properties, Shapes & Their Meanings

obsidian healing properties

It assists us in overcoming egoism and selfishness.

#Obsidian healing properties full#

It assists us in realizing our full potential and strengths. It encourages us to be more open-minded and innovative. It improves our ability to reason and think clearly. It also allows us to connect with our higher selves and gives us insights into ourselves. It shields us from negative forces and energies. Obsidian is a stone with tremendous power. Gold Sheen Obsidian allows us to connect with the Divine and realign our personal strength with the Divine in order to better lead our life. It’s great for revealing and releasing ego conflicts and power misuse, as well as removing any feelings of futility or pessimism. Gold Sheen Obsidian dissolves negativity and cleanses the aura, and it’s especially good for releasing blockages in the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is the seat of our personal power. It elucidates the various paths that can be taken to achieve it.

obsidian healing properties

But, more crucially, it discloses the core of a current problem or scenario.

obsidian healing properties

Gold Sheen Obsidian is a fantastic instrument for gazing, seeing into the future, and retrieving information from the past. GOLD SHEEN OBSIDIAN CRYSTAL EGGS Gold Sheen Obsidian Properties

Obsidian healing properties